Advanced Redrawing (Pen+Simulate Pressure)

Simulate Pressure with the Pen Tool

This is good for when a nice even line looks too artificial. Here is an example:


I find I use this most often when redrawing white lines on black areas.

  1. Select the Brush Tool.
  2. Click on the tab at the top that says Brushes.
  3. Click on Shape Dynamics to bring up the options.
  4. Change Minimum Diameter to something around 30-35%
    • This controls how tapered the line will be. As you move the Minimum Diameter slider around, you’ll see the wavy line at the bottom change to reflect your selection.
  5. Close the tab.
  6. Choose the Pen Tool and make your path like normal.
  7. When you go to Stroke the path, make sure Simulate Pressure is checked.
  8. The stroke should now taper at the beginning and the end of the path.


12 Responses to “Advanced Redrawing (Pen+Simulate Pressure)”

  1. izenith Says:

    wow! i barely looked in the brushes panel. this is really useful. you definitely are a pro! these tutorials are so awesome!!! ***THANKS A LOT =D

  2. chiresakura Says:

    I didn’t know the panel existed until someone showed me, so I’m happy to pass on the knowledge ^_^

  3. Izirae Says:

    I don’t know where to find this T-T
    I looked for this “tab” but I could not see it anywhere!! Maybe I’m just a nub…but please help!! My lines have been a little artificial looking ^-^;

  4. chiresakura Says:

    I use Photoshop CS on a Mac, so my screen may look different from yours:

    The next time I boot up Bootcamp, I’ll take a screenshot of what it looks like in Photoshop CS2.

  5. Izirae Says:

    Oh snap
    I just looked on my thingy and I saw it. I was using PS 6.0 (crap) so that tab is absolutely non-existent for some reason. I see it now :3
    Fanks much :D

  6. silent guy Says:

    would anyone happen to know how to use pen pressure in gimp?

  7. Leo_ck Says:

    Chire-sama, I’m using Adobe Photoshop CS 4 64-bits… And I can’t activate the Pen pressure tool
    Here’s an image of my problem… There’s an “!” next to my Pen Pressure drop box… and I can’t seem to make my pen pressure work…any advice? Thank you~

  8. chiresakura Says:

    Huh, that’s bizarre. My settings look exactly like yours, and I even have the “!” in the triangle. I will ask around and see if anyone else has ever had this problem…

    Sorry I can’t be more help :-/

  9. Bmaster Says:

    chire and leo that shows up when you dont have a tablet…..but if you do the stroke path stimulate pressure it still shows works…(which means that for those without tablets its more guess and check)

  10. chiresakura Says:

    Thanks bmaster!!

  11. Leo_ck Says:

    Oh! Thanks a lot Bmaster! That sure cleared up all the misunderstanding man!
    Also thx chire!

  12. Adrian Says:

    Brilliant tutorial. I’ve rarely ever needed to do any heavy redrawing, but whenever I did, I always botched using the pen tool, because I had no idea how to move the individual anchor points (yeah, I know, pretty damn stupid). Your one line of instruction has effectively cut back 50% of my frustration. Thanks a whole lot!

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